Seethuma: P-Quad Research Division
Driving the Engine of Innovation

Founder's Vision

Knowledge for knowledge's sake has been put out to pasture, not dead, but untended. Scattered like a hundred-head herd on a 100,000-acre ranch, researchers have enough to survive on, but little opportunity to thrive.

There is significant basic research being done in many fields by researchers and teams with amazing skills and insight. I have no desire to diminish their work or accomplishments. On the contrary, in some cases, I want SPQRD to offer financial assistance to those endeavors. However, more can be done.

Corporations, grounded in the marketplace, have insight into what consumers need and want. They also have their own vision of what might be possible and yet, having the broad range of capabilities necessary to actually make those visions real is often beyond their ability to create and support. I recognize, as many others do, that given the right tools, many of those visions are attainable.

Part of the reason research labs in the past created so many fundamental breakthroughs was the opportunity for researchers to go where the science led them. The ability of corporations to fund such "flights of fancy" has been seriously eroded over the last 20 years. Even in universities and national labs many pure basic research projects have given way to programs jointly run and directed with corporate partners seeking applied research results.

SPQRD is a corporation with research as the product. Our profit is the knowledge we uncover. Corporations NEED to re-enter the lab and we will provide the means.

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Last Updated: 03/04/2011