Underground Shelters

Sixty years ago underground shelters were all the rage, or response to fear. Expensive and utilitarian, they were
seldom more than better designed tornado shelters found across the Plains. Today, they have become a sort of
status symbol or dismissed as expensive, unnecessary 'survivalist' hideouts. They can be more, and less. They
can have a more typical structure built over them. Again, proof of concept for me to determine general parameters
and cost factors.

Underground Alpha

Sleeps 12 in 2-two person rooms and two 4-person rooms.
1800 sq feet inside dual walled space, 750' of sheltered equipment storage;
Underground Beta

Sleeps 4 in an open, dual walled space;
Shelter: 8" exterior concrete wall, 25" packed earth, 8" interior concrete wall;
10" concrete ceiling with 3-4' earthen cover.
Shelter: 8" exterior concrete wall, 25" packed earth, 8" interior cinderblock wall;
50'x 15' equipment storage under 10" concrete ceiling, 1" steel with earthen cover and 8" cinderblock walls.
Exterior entrance: double walled steel curtain. Interior entrance dual, double walled steel curtains.
10" concrete ceiling with earthen cover. Exterior entrance; double walled steel curtain. Interior entrance airlock with steel doors.